Let me explain how my Holiday Card Challenge works…

EVERY Monday I am going to give you some inspiration and show you a Holiday card that you can make easily – depending on how many cards you make every week – one of them…two of them…a whole batch of them – you will soon build up a bunch of Holiday Cards ready to go into the mail by early December!

And that card I post will be quick & easy to make that incorporates a particular Stampin’ Up! product – the idea being that every week I am making cards so that I will have all my Holiday cards made by early December – and in turn, I can show you an idea that you can use to help you too.

And if you want to play along with my challenge you will have all of yours done too – with a bonus – every week when you make your card using the product(s) that I showcase, email a photo of it to me and you could win a prize too!

Sarah’s Holiday Card Challenge Details:

  • Every week on Monday I will showcase one Stampin’ Up! product that helps you to make cards quickly & easily and cost effectively too
  • When YOU make a card using that type of product, email a photograph of it to me at sarah@sarahsinkspot.com along with your mailing address and I am going to mail you a free treat for taking part, so be sure to include your mailing address!
  • At the end of the week, on Sunday evening, my girls will choose their favorite card from those I have received
  • I will then post their favorite card to my blog every Monday at the end of my Challenge post – and guess what?  That favorite card earns it’s creator a prize!
  • So be sure to come back every Monday to see my new weekly Holiday Card AND to see if you are the previous week’s winner!

Why join in?

  • take part, email your card to me & I will mail you a free treat!
  • you could win some goodies if you are picked as Winner of the Week
  • it’s fun!
  • make just 2 cards every week and by the time December comes around, you will already have 32 made and ready to mail – make 3 and you have 48 – in no time at all, they will all be done!

Want to join me in my quest?

  • It’s easy to do!
  • Visit me every Monday to see my card and find out that week’s ‘Product of the Week’
  • Make your card/s
  • If you want to enter to win a prize, email a photo of it to me
  • Come back the following Monday!

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