How to make a gorgeous Fabric Flower using the Big Shot…

Did you know that you can use the Big Shot and lots of the Dies to make fabric flowers and even beautiful quilts and patchwork projects?

Whilst at Founders Circle a group of new friends and I decided to see if we could make some of the fabric flowers that we had seen being toted around attached to clothing and bags that had been made using the Big Shot and Flower Folds Bigz Die that is exclusive and only available for purchase from Stampin’ Up!…one of the ladies very kindly trekked off on a mission to find some fabric, tulle, needles, thread and buttons…working together, we figured out how to make them and this is what we came up with…

Isn’t it gorgeous?  And we realised that simply by changing the colors and textures of the fabrics you can make them for any time of the year and occasion…imagine a beautiful holiday one using blues and silvers…or reds and golds…and you could even make a Halloween one using orange and black…a Valentine’s one in reds and pinks…using a pin that you can purchase at any craft store you can attach it to clothing or on to your bag…we had many comments and lots of ladies wanting to make some…

It simply uses one fabulous Bigz Die that cuts through layers of fabric with ease…it is the Flower Folds Bigz XL Die which is only available from Stampin’ Up! – you can find it on pg 201 of the Catalog:


We used 4 fabrics to make the flower above – red and gold corduroys and two prints plus white tulle that has a shimmer to it. Using the Big Shot and Flower Folds Bigz Die you cut a large flower out of all four fabrics. You fold each in half – put your first on the table…then add the second on top, covering two of the petals of the first one. Do the same again with the third…and when you put the fourth on, tuck two petals behind the first – it seems tricky but makes sense and is very easy when you are doing it – when you have finished it will look like you have 4 heart shapes. Then take your needle and thread and stitch a large X to hold them all together.

Next cut three medium flower shapes using the tulle – fold them in half and then just fold one of the edges in a third of the way and stitch to the base – by doing this, it makes the petals stand up a little and look puffy. Do the same for the other two flowers.

Then choose three of your fabrics and cut a smaller flower out of them – again, fold two of them in half and stitch in place. Fold the third flower and cut in half – then position on opposite sides and stitch in place. Lastly, cut two small tulle flowers and stitch in place, followed by a button to make the center and put your fixing on the back so that you can attach it where you would like to wear or carry it.

Isn’t it gorgeous?  I have compiled a list of items that you will need to have to hand in order to make your own along with where you can find them in the Catalog below:

113439  Big Shot Die Cutting Machine  $99.95  pg 194

113478  Extended Cutting Pads $19.95  pg 194

115970  Flower Folds Bigz XL Die $42.95  pg 201

A selection of fabrics, threads and pins available from any craft store.


Please click HERE to view my other Project Tutorials

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