I decided to combine both my Blog and my website into one – it is ready for it’s debut – welcome to it!

At the very top of this page you will find tabs containing information that you used to find on my old website – you will see sections containing information About Me, on Joining My Team, Specials which will be updated frequently with all new special offers as they are announced, details on My Digital Studio and the cool things you can create using it and a Tutorials section which is a growing collection of video and written tutorials where you will find items such as the Flappy Scrappy scrapbook. I will be transferring lots more information over the next few days so please check back…

There is also a link to my Store where you are able to purchase Catalogs and my Designer Series Paper, Button and Ribbon Shares as they become available – my store will also be receiving a makeover very soon…

You can now find me at www.sarahsinkspot.com/blog – we have literally just gone live with this blog so whilst looking around, if you find that anything isn’t working for you in your browser or you come across links that are broken, I would be extremely grateful if you would leave a comment or send me an email by clicking here to let me know about it so that I can fix it…

Welcome to my new Blog!

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