I just realised that I haven’t finished blogging about Founders Circle…over the next few days I will post the remaining days for you to see all the amazing stuff that happened… Thursday evening was FUN…we had the business share & swaps…hehehehe…one of my favorite things…especially as we get to wear pajamas… When the opened the doors to the Gathering Place (what’s inside is always kept secret behind closed doors!!!) we entered to find fruit flavored water and fun treats…they even have SU iced on the top…isn’t the attention to detail amazing?

These were my favorite…yum…

As we entered we were all handed a real treat…a canvas beachy-themed Founders Circle Swap bag to put our new swaps into!!!  No more plastic carrier bags to try to hold open – YAY!!!

Here I am with one of my Stampin Up BFF’s, Kay Kalthoff, showing off our fun new bags…

And the treats continued…there were freshly made Cinnamon Almonds which were amazing, packaged in special Stampin Up packaging, of course…

And then onto the Business Share…everyone sent in business tips to Stampin Up and 5 ladies were chosen to share theirs with everyone…and my other Stampin Up BFF, Sharon McNeely, was chosen to speak…here she is with the awesome Bonnie Thurber…and she did an AWESOME job…

After those amazing ladies shared their tips, Shelli spoke which is always a fun treat…I LOVE that everyone wears their pajamas!!!

And then it was onto swapping…as you can imagine, with 120 swappers it takes quite some time to work down the line!  Here are my swaps…

And when finished….our bags were stuffed and everyone ran back to their rooms to check out their loot…

I spent about an hour looking at them and am just in awe of all of the amazing hard work that everyone puts into their cards…

And tonight’s icing on the cake, after a fabulous evening…the pillow gift…which is the gorgeously soft blanket…I {heart} it…

I think I am going to have to hide it from my cats before their adopt it for their new bed!!!

Aren’t we spoiled?  It is a fabulous trip and I am so grateful to have been able to experience it…

Thursday evening at Founders Circle…with FUN SWAPPING!!!
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One thought on “Thursday evening at Founders Circle…with FUN SWAPPING!!!

  • September 20, 2012 at 6:52 pm

    WOW! Thanks for sharing…wonderful cards and what a great blanket…know what you mean about the cats..LOL!

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