Wow, what a day we had today – it was so amazing and a great experience :-)

We boarded buses to go out to the Stampin’ Up! manufacturing facility where they make the stamp sets and we were all very excited to go and see it – on the way we had Shelli on our bus and the time flew by – we arrived and wow, what an amazing building it is…this is part of the front of the building…

Inside we got to go onto the factory floor and got to see exactly how they make the stamps…they also let us trim some rubber and pack some sets…that was FUN :-) And let me tell you, what an amazing group of people they are who work there – I have never seen more dedicated people who look like they really love their jobs :-)

And we also got to tour Shelli’s apartment upstairs where she, her family and employees can stay when they come down from Riverton – and WOW it is full of her fabulous decorating style…there are amazing furnishings and linens and the bathrooms have chandaliers for their light fittings – completely inspiring and amazing…and my favorite bit was the laundry
room, fabulously decorated with lots of luxurious touches…what a wonderful place to do your laundry…it has inspired me to redecorate mine once I get home..

And this was so funny and shows you how welcome they made us that I just can’t resist showing this photo- because there were ALOT of women arriving today they temporarily changed one of the men’s restrooms into a ladies one – and look what they did to the sign – they added a little skirt – we all chuckled alot about that one and were so happy they made us so welcome :-)

Once outside we went over and took our photographs by the famous rock…

And check out the view from the parking lot…WOW…can you imagine seeing that view when you come out of work every day? I am loving Utah – it has such fabulous scenery…

Next they took us to the park and laid on the best lunch for us including fabulous desserts – all packaged up in a lunch pail that we got to keep…isn’t that cool? :-)

And then we got to go and check out the kids play area which has off-cuts of rubber underneath – Stampin’ Up! donates these off-cuts for such uses which is a wonderful way of recycling them…so we all gazed down at the rubber for ages to find little bits with images on them…and then we took photographs and had a Rising Star group photo that you can see below…then it was back onto the buses and back to the hotel with lots of fun and games on the way home where we got more freebies – we each received a package of the silver HoHoHo Decor Accessories from the Holiday Mini plus a roll of Red Polka Dot Ribbon and I won a little extra something too…FUN!!!

And lastly here is my photograph with Shelli…

Today was sooo very enjoyable and it hasn’t ended yet…we have the pajama party with snacks and swapping to do later…I’ll write about that tomorrow…be sure to check back and check out my Founders Circle customer special offer that runs thru Sunday…it’s a good one :-)

Fabulous Friday at Founders!!!
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