And what a wonderful time it was…we boarded the buses at 5.30 pm and they took us to a secret location – when we arrived, we had a group photograph and then went up to a restaurant surrounded by spectacular scenery and sat outside on the terrace admiring the view :-)

We all had a little box tied with ribbon at our place settings (which were, as always, beautiful) and were instructed not to open the boxes until told to do so…

And did you notice the fabric table cloths, again made of a pattern taken from Cottage Wall – can you believe all the little special touches that they did to make our experience a real one of a kind one? Once all seated, Shelli spoke to us and then we all opened out boxes at once…guess what was inside? Two beautiful butterflies waiting to fly away – they were a little sleepy but soon took to the skies…what a wonderful sight…

We then ate whilst watching the sun go down…the sky was an amazing sight, full of colors…and then all was still and calm…what a spectacular sunset over the Utah mountains…

Whilst eating dessert the lovely Bonnie Thurber spoke to us, inspiring us with a story and then the wind started…it got stronger…and stronger…and stronger…large items blew around…glasses started to smash…lightning was filling the skies…we all ran in to take cover and being girls, of course grabbed our desserts to take with us…and a real tempest of a storm came over…it was sudden and angry and what an experience!!!

We had some more fun and then boarded the buses back to the hotel…we all said our goodbyes to Shelli and the new friends we had made…and then retired to our rooms to find out final pillow gifts which are beautiful…two butterfly charms that are linked, one that has been engraved with ‘Founders Circle 2009’…

I have had the most amazing experience at Founders Circle and am going to work very hard to return next year…if you have enjoyed reading about my experience and are thinking that you would like to experience it one day yourself, I would love for you to become a demonstrator and Join My Team – you can find out lots more info by clicking HERE and if you have any questions, please Contact Me and I will be very happy to help :-)

The Last Evening at Founders Circle…
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