Phew…has it really been 2 weeks since my last post?!  Wow – time flies when you are having fun…

Mmm…well, not fun exactly LOL…we have spent the last two weeks prepping our house to get it on the market with the goal being by Spring Break…which begins today for us…and the last 2 weeks have been a mad flurry of activity…

Myself & my hubby have worked ridiculous hours a day to get everything done that we had to do to get the house ready – in the garden we dug a 60 ft border, edged & mulched it…we trimmed trees & bushes…we planted flowers…we hauled & laid 2 1/2 pallets of sod…we hauled & spread out 100 bags of mulch – needless to say after everyday in the garden I looked like a mud monster from Scooby Doo…

And then there was my craft room…oh my…lets just say that was a project of epic proportions…it’s amazing how much crafting stuff you acquire in 12 years!!!  We took down all my paper racks & punch rails…my work table…shelves…rails…closet storage…and hubby counted the holes in the walls that he had to fill and paint and lets just say that the hole count was at the 100 mark – oh my!!!

And then in the midst of all this the twosome had their 9th birthday party sleepover – so added to all of what we were doing, I had invitations to make, a sleepover to plan and 5 crazy 9 year old girls here last weekend along with a trip to Build a Bear Workshop!!!

After the sleepover we had to get the house in order…we had to sort out everything and hauled lots of stuff into storage…we badly needed new carpets meaning we had to sort out everything and and move everything left here into the bathrooms so that the guys could lay the carpets…wisely we decided to do this after the weekend sleepover, and so the carpets were done on Monday…on Tuesday we had the cleaners scheduled to come so had to get everything put back by lunchtime so that they could come in a deep clean the house – bearing in mind the carpet fitters finished at 7 pm the previous evening, that was a stretch…

Then on Wednesday we had a realtor tour and photos taken, meaning everything had to look perfect…needless to say this all happened whilst the small people were out of the house…

And now…ahhh…everything is ready to go…the house is done inside & out…the sign is up in the yard…and now it’s just a waiting game for people to come and view the house…

So please forgive my absence from the blogging world the last couple of weeks…I am back and ready to craft and now just need to reorganize my crafting stuff so that I can find everything again…

I am about to post the birthday sleepover invites that I made which turned out super cute, so be sure to check them out in my next blog post…

Wishing you a fabulous weekend…from a very exhausted but happy Stamper…


Where did I go?

2 thoughts on “Where did I go?

  • March 9, 2012 at 10:14 pm

    You are amazing…I am shuddering at all you and your husband accomplished in such a short time, along with a b’day party and all of the party goodies to go along with it. You are such an inspiration!

  • March 10, 2012 at 8:29 am

    What a small world! I subscribe to your blog but guess I never realized you lived in Austin until I saw your realtor sign – Tim was our realtor when we bought our current house! Too funny!

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