Last day of Founders Circle…sniff…it’s been SO much fun and I’ve had such a great time and been spoiled rotten…

The last day was filled with chatting with friends, shopping, eating, make & takes…sound familiar?!  What a great way to spend the days!!!

After breakfast I wandered to the Gathering Place where this sign greeted us…

So the Final Event is at 4 pm…all we could get out of the staff (and believe me, we tried hard to find out!!!) was that it was going to be LOTS of fun…mmm…

Well, I decided to go and investigate what the day’s goodies were and here was the choice…

And check them out…YUM…how on earth do you chose?!  They ALL looked SO good…

I just couldn’t decide and so wandered over to make my last make & take of the event…a beautiful Banner.

I didn’t get to finish mine (due to too much talking and eating – imagine that LOL!) but here are a couple of photos of the finished item on the display board…the eagle eyed amongst you are going to love this…

This is my favorite part of the banner…check out that BIG tea cup…hehehehe…

It’s a brand new stamp…and it’s just BIG & GORGEOUS!!!

Notice that blue piece right at the back?  Mmm…whatever could that be?!  Well, that shape is again on this part of the banner…but this time you can see it in all it’s glory…

Yep, that beautiful red shape is made using a brand new Die…tee hee…it’s STUNNINGLY intricate and beautiful!!!

Phew…after all the work I was doing (!) I decided I had to make a decision on the fruit tart…I am very partial to soft summer fruits and so it just had to be the Raspberry Tart…

It looks like art and almost too good to eat…almost…

And so then I went on to play my last Plinko of the event…

And won a Stack of In Color Designer Series Papers – how cool is that?  Here is a photo of ALL the items I won whilst playing Plinko here…LOVE them all…

Although quite how I am going to fit everything in my suitcase is another story…but that is a GOOD problem to have!!!  I hear that there are ladies trotting off to Target to purchase new suitcases to pack all their goodies into!!!  Fortunately I packed light but even my suitcase is going to be stuffed full…

And next comes the Final Evening Event…surprising and fun!

Founders Circle…Day 4…last day…

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