So onto the last evening at Founders Circle…all we knew was that it was going to be a fun event and we had to meet in the Hotel Lobby at 3.50 pm…

We boarded buses with our teams and off we went…after driving for around 15 minutes we drove down a little road by a golf course and suddenly one of my eagle eyed team mates noticed a Stampin’ Up! box on one of the putting greens…what in the world?!

Yes, we arrived at the Club House and were greeted by a huge line of golf carts – we were to go on a Golf Cart Scramble around 9 holes of the course!!!

At each hole we would find a game to complete…now this was going to be BIG fun!!!

Sooo off we went, 2 per cart…and at each putting green a sign greeted us…

This game was fun – we had to see how far we could hit a Marshmallow!!!  Well I have never played golf in my life (fortunately 3 ladies on our team were GREAT players so they really boosted our team points!) but after 6 (!) attempts I finally hit mine some distance…here is the FUN Barb Mullikin attempting her shot…she is in the same golfing league as me LOL!!!

Here we are in a convoy riding around a little off road section of the golf course…check out that BEAUTIFUL bright blue sky…wow…

Here was another stop on the way…the wonderful Laurie Krauss is the featured golfer here…we had to attempt to hit one of 5 products laid out and if we did, we won it…

My strategy (!) was to see if I could hit the biggest one…we were supposed to do it in just 1 hit…but our very kind host let me have 3 tries after which I managed it LOL – I won a Card Keeper!!!

The weirdest game had to be this one…you had to choose one member of your team who had to eat a HUGE marshmallow and drink a tea cup full of water as fast as they could…

Now Barb literally leaped at the chance to do this and here she is…she did it in 30 seconds!!!  And check out the details even on a golf course…that is a tablecloth made with Beau Chateau Fabric!!!

And back to more beautiful golf course scenery…isn’t it just amazing?

We mostly drove behind or in front of Barb…and she made me giggle…check out this next photo – I love the fact that in the back of her golf cart you can see a pack of DSP and her pink handbag…how many times do you see that on a golf course?!

And here she is again…laughing away…I looked back at one point and saw her with camera in hand veering off the path!!!

And check out the little furry friends we encountered along the way…they were everywhere!!!

Finally we finished our Scramble and headed back to the Club House for a delicious dinner with our team members…and to await the results of how we did on the games…

Here was our team table center piece…

And we each had a fun place setting…a trophy filled with the new In Color Markers!

And here is a team photo of The Cup & Saucers…

Dinner was delicious, the company was amazing and when it came time for the results…out of 17 teams…we came 2ND!!!  Not that we were competitive or anything…but we WHOOPED it up!!!  And we each won a Christmas Lane Simply Scrappin’ Kit!

Then it was back on the buses and off to the hotel to say some final goodbyes…would there be a pillow gift tonight?

Founders Circle…Final Event…

One thought on “Founders Circle…Final Event…

  • September 21, 2011 at 4:08 pm

    Thanks for sharing all about Founder’s Circle Sarah! I loved reading it all and it sounds like they treated you like the stampin’ royalty that you are. :) And that’s my upline Cindy in your group. Isn’t she a blast?

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