Continuing with our fabulous Founders trip…on Thursday we had a VERY early start – we had to be on the buses by 6.55 am!!!  There were lots of sleepy ladies but we soon woke up and got talking…and of course we get to play some fun games on the way too and win some goodies…

The road to Kanab is lined with beautiful views of the mountains and when we arrived, all the Kanab employees were outside to greet us, cheering & clapping – wow – it is a very emotional moment…

Check out those signs that they made to greet us…isn’t that something?  I feel so privileged to be here and to get to tour where the stamps are made – and this year, to visit with the people who make them for us all…

This always makes me chuckle…whilst we visit, they turn the boys bathroom into a girls one, complete with a adapted sign…isn’t that cute?!

We split up into groups of around 8 and each group had a tour guide – here is Kris, who led the group I was in…everyone who works there makes a name badge for when we visit and there are some very fun & creative ones…

We got to tour the floor where the stamps are made – I am always blown away by the amount of work that goes into them – there are some very skilled people that work at Kanab…then we got to visit Shelli’s apartment and take some photos with her there…

And this year we had a real treat of eating lunch with the employees at Kanab – we had a fabulous grilled lunch and sat out looking at the beautiful scenery that surrounds the building – WOW – imagine coming out of work every day and seeing that view!

Then it was time to get back on the bus and off to a secret location for part II of our day which I will put in a separate post in a moment…here is a glimpse of the goodies that I came away with today from the bus ride…isn’t that cool?

Spending time talking with Kanab employees was one of today’s highlights for me because it gave me a real chance to connect with the people who work so very hard to produce the product we sell, which was a wonderful experience…

And speaking of wonderful experiences, the next part of our day was also amazing…

Thursday at Founders Circle…going to Kanab…
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