Today was a lazy start with waking up late followed by a leisurely breakfast…


I then popped into the Hospitality Room and found some fab treats waiting for us…yummy fresh fruit and a sweet dip…


And here is mine…YUM!!!


I then did the horseshoe toss and BINGO – I managed to get my horseshoe on the stick thing and won ALL THREE OF TODAY’S PRIZES – yay!!!


I then went for  a walk and just love it here…even walking from the hotel to a shopping area you pass neat things – like this beautiful creek…


And then I had lunch with my fab friend Kay and decided to retire to my room for some R&R before this evening’s activity -check out the great view from my room…


We have to meet at 4 in the lobby for the final event which I cannot wait for – they don’t tell us what we are doing or where we are going and so I am excited to find out what the surprise is…more later!

Day 4 at Founders Circle 2013 – part 1…
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