Back to the plant tour…

The next stop was where the make they make the Photopolymer stamps – yup, they make those in-house too – isn’t that neat?!  Photopolymer is now the best selling style of stamp!

Here is the raw product…it is very very sticky!!!


Here is one of the machine’s that makes the Photopolymer stamps…


And here is quality control…let me tell ya, that lady has an AMAZING eye for detail!!!


Absolutely fascinating process!!!  Next stop, ink pads & ink refills…and barrels & barrels of ink…


And giant mixers to mix the the ink with the blank ink pads…they make my kitchenaid one look teeny tiny!!!


And the finished product…we got to choose an ink pad each and a bottle of Stampin’ Mist too!


And on to cardstock…did you know that they cut & package cardstock here too now?!  Each year they are doing more & more in house here – absolutely incredible!

We got to see how it comes in…how it is cut…


And how it is divvy’d up and shrink wrap packaged…


And the finished product…and again, we were lucky enough to get given a pack – how lucky are we?!


And then it was off for lunch with the Kanab employees…it is a great chance to mingle with them and get to chat…


We walked into the room and the tables were decorated beautifully and continued the Holiday theme with placemats that were actually…you guessed it…tea towels!!!  And we got to take em home with us!

Lunch was absolutely delicious barbeque…check out the view from the lunch line – isn’t that an amazing view right outside of the building where you work?!


Great company & food…


Yummy dessert…


Fab surroundings…


And then back onto the buses and off for a trip to the local park which Sterling & Shelli built…


Where you can see some of those scrap rubber chips at work underneath the playscape…and lots of demonstrators dig in it to find partial images that they recognize from years ago!


This year the trip blew me away when I realized that Stampin Up stamps are made right HERE in the USA…in RURAL UTAH…giving REAL AMERICANS REAL JOBS…to support them and their families in a rural community where it might otherwise be hard to find employment…

And not only that…but they are made BY HAND!!!

So when you make a card using Stampin Up’s stamps, you are making a handmade card that uses stamps hand made by those wonderful men & women in Kanab – how cool is that?!

I will post again about this evening and the goodies I came away with today…I am feeling like one very lucky girl!


Founders Circle 2014 – Day Three – Kanab Tour part 2…
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