Today I thought I’d show you a little something that I made for my hubby using the new stamp set Travel Log that is featured on pg 12 of the Summer Mini Catalog…

Travel Log is a set of 8 stamps which are perfect for using with your adventure/travel related scrapbook pages, mini albums and 3-D items…

My box below was embellished using two of those stamps and this little something has a story behind it involving my adrenaline junkie of a hubby, an off-road motorcycle and a rally in Mexico…the little story is below but first my simple box details…

I wanted a little sectioned toolbox and found just the thing in Walmart – I emptied the contents because I wanted to add my own items and then got to decorating it.

My cardstock is Chocolate Chip and I distressed the edges simply by tearing them – I adhered them to my toolbox and then added my photo…

I wanted to layer my photo and tie the layer colors in with those on that photo and found just the colors I needed with Real Red and Pacific Point…I then used Dimensionals to attach it to my cardstock base.

I wrapped around a piece of Early Espresso/White Bakers Twine and finished with a knot on the top.

The stamps are both from Travel Log – I stamped them using Chocolate Chip ink and love how crisp the images came out – I trimmed to size and added them to my box using Dimensionals…

And there was one very simple and fun way to package my gift…

SO on to the story…

It all began earlier this year when my hubby decided he was going to enter into the NORRA Mexican 1000 Rally…which is a 3 day race covering 1000 miles through Baja in Mexico, starting at Mexicali and ending at La Paz.

To do this he needed a vintage (older than 25 years) motorbike which he duly acquired and then spent many many many hours of hard work prepping the bike.  And so off he went to do his rally in early May with two good friends also riding it with him as well.

Now what is on the photo on my box? It is the motorbike’s original tool bag – he wanted to keep it on there in keeping with the character of the bike and duly filled this toolbag with many $$$ worth of tools that he might need during the race…

Well, off he starts on Day 1 of the race and only a few miles into it he realizes that the zip had failed on this original 25 year old tool bag and he lost ALL of the contents of it somewhere in the desert of northern Baja – doh!!!

And so for his birthday I wanted to replace those tools for him but being so specialized, I didn’t know exactly what to get – so  I filled the box with notes and dollars so that he can do that himself and decorated it with a piccy of the broken bag!

And in case you are wondering, he did good in the Rally – his first ever race of any kind I might add – I am so very proud to say that he finished it and came in 37th place out of around 90 entries – the only thing is, now he wants to do it next year too…hmmm…at least he has the bike…which he got to know very very well…especially the seat LOL…

Wondering what stamps are included in the set Travel Log? Here are those images…I love them and plan to use them a whole bunch more this summer…

Click HERE to find it in the Summer Mini Catalog


My Adrenaline Junkie…
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