My girls can hardly wait for all the chocolate & candy they are going to get for Easter…which made me start thinking about how to give treats without the sugar…

Their Girl Scout leader came across a fabulous idea of filling Wilton Icing Bags with crackers, and when filled they take on a carrot shape – perfect for Easter and perfect for the Pre-school/Kinder set…

If you are in need of a quick & last minute treat idea, this is just perfect – all you need are the bags, the snacks and some green ribbons to tie around the top – and you’re done!

Well of course I couldn’t leave it at that – I had to make a cute Bunny card to go with the carrots…look how cute they are…

These are so quick & easy to put together – get some Wilton Disposable Icing Bags – I found them at a big box craft store beginning with M! – and then fill with snacks…

I found some fun snacks at Target just perfect for Easter – in the area where you find Goldfish, I found Market Pantry Chicks which you can see in the top ‘carrot’- they are orange to give even more of a carrot look!

AND I also found boxes of Annie’s Organic snacks – they have a bunny theme and you can see those in the bottom ‘carrot’ – in there are different shaped bunny pretzels & crackers – how cute is that?  And how perfect for Easter!  You can see a close up of those cute shapes below…

Then simply tie green ribbon around the top of each carrot to mimic the leafy bits – I used Lucky Limeade Ruffled Ribbon and Pear Pizzazz Stitched Poly Ribbon (pg 194)…and there is one CUTE, non-sugary snack ready for giving – I think little kids are going to LOVE these Carrot treats!

Onto the Bunny card…you might recognise that Bunny from last year – he is so much fun to make using various Punches & Dies – you can find the list of shapes you need to put him together below…

My card base is Basic Black onto which I layered a piece of Bashful Blue…I then cut a strip of Pear Pizzazz and added it to my card…

I then decided to add some textured ‘grass’ and so cut a narrower strip and using sharp scissors, cut slits all the way along and pulled them out slight with my fingers to make them stick out unevenly…and then I adhered it to my card base.

Finally I added my Bunny using Dimensionals and there is one fun Easter card!

To make a Bunny you will need to cut the following shapes:

4 x White Ovals using the 2″ x 1 3/8″ Oval Punch
1 x White Scallop Circle using a 1 3/4″Scallop Circle Punch
2 x Pink Ovals using the 1 3/4″ x 7/8″ Oval Punch
2 x Pink Circles using a 1″ Circle Punch
6 x Pink Circles using a 1/4″ Circle Punch
4 x White Circles using a 3/4″ Circle Punch
2 x Black Circles using the 1/2″ Circle Punch
1 x Pink Heart using the Heart-to-Heart Punch
1 x Scallop Circle using the Scallop Circles #2 Bigz Die
1 x White Circle using a 2 1/2″ Punch

Have fun creating!



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Snack Filled Carrots for Easter…
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One thought on “Snack Filled Carrots for Easter…

  • April 4, 2012 at 6:22 pm

    Cute little bunny and what a great way to do the carrots!

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