Drawn using Random.org…

The winning comment is…comment no. 8 by Aj Martin who said:

“I, too, love the upper left butterfly … thinking Tempting Turquoise embossing powder on black cardstock”

I would LOVE to see a card made using Tempting Turquoise and Black – hint hint – I would love to see a piccy of it if you make one…

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Please email your mailing information to me and I will get your BEAUTIFUL butterfly set out and flying on it’s way to you…

According to the response the two top ones are the most loved…aren’t the beautiful?  If you didn’t win you have gotta get this set – it is FABULOUS!!!

It is priced at JUST $14.95 making it a fabulous deal…it’s order code is 133345 AND it comes complete with a sticker for your Best of 25 Years Collectors Card

  • CLICK HERE to find Best of Butterflies in the online store
And the winner of the Best of Butterflies is…

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