So we left the fabulous Kanab facility and headed out to the park that Stampin Up built…

It is in an absolutely beautiful location, right near a huge canyon wall on the edge of Kanab…


It is a spectacular park…


And of course underneath the playscape area the ground is covered in shredded rubber as a protective cushioning surface…


Isn’t that neat?

Then we got to go to a fantastic little shopping area that has some very cool metal sculptures…here is my favorite…LOVE that crocodile by the fish pond…


And then it was time to head back to the hotel…and on the way we got to play Bingo and win fun prizes…


And by the time we got home check out the freebies that I had accumulated today…


Isn’t that awesome?!

I then popped into the Hospitality Room and saw a fab display of snacks for us…


I love how they think of everything and make it look so cute!  Here is my yummy treat even trimmed with some chevron ribbon…


I then headed out to dinner with some fun friends and finally returned to find a fab pillow gift on my bed…


And this is what is inside the bag…


That’s all for tonight…this was a very fun but very exhausting day!  Check back tomorrow for more…

Day 3 at Founders Circle 2013 – Kanab part 2…
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