FINALLY I am getting around to documenting my fabulous trip to Founders Circle!!! 

It has taken me a while but I decided not to blog whilst I was there and to update my blog when I arrived home…last week was a flurry of catching up with home life and so I decided to work on it this week…

Founders Circle is a retreat hosted by Shelli Gardner – the top 100 Demonstrators in the United States are invited to attend this fabulous trip and I was fortunate to be one of them – it is a huge honor…

I flew into Las Vegas a day early to spend some time with my wonderful friend & upline, Stella…we stayed in the brand new SLS hotel that is very modern and contemporary…this was the view from our bedroom window…isn’t that fab?


The next day we took the ‘Stampin Express’ up to St George Utah where we arrived at the Marriott to see this wonderful display outside the front doors…


Isn’t that a great welcome?  So as you might have gathered, the theme this year was ‘Home for the Holidays’…it was very fun to be surrounded by Christmas trees & decor and of course Stampin Up had gone all out to ensure every detail was perfect…

Outside the Gathering Place was a board detailing the day’s events…


And Stampin Up had decorated beautifully…


With so many details to get us into the Holiday spirit…I loved their displays…


There were even twinkly fairy lights and trees…


Cushions & pillows…


Candy…lots & lots of candy…with beautiful handmade tags…


And handmade cookies…that were absolutely delicious…


And MORE candy LOL…


A fun game for us to play for prizes…this year they were wrapped as gifts and were under the tree…


And then I picked up my year book and name tag and went in search of my room…


And found this on the door…isn’t that a great welcome banner?


And this inside the door…what a great room to have all to myself for 5 days!!!  What a huge treat!!!


I will post details of the first evening’s activities in a while…but what a great start to a fabulous Founders Circle trip!


Founders Circle 2014 – Day One – part 1…
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