We had a large dinner and you guessed it…in a nautical theme!

Before dinner we had a meet & greet session and found our fellow team members – this is a great way to meet people you don’t know and you sit with them at your team table at dinner – my team was named ‘Bodie Island’.

We got beautiful fruit drinks served in Founders Circle glasses – isn’t that a neat touch? And yep – we all got to take a glass home…

Upon arrival to our table, we found that it had been decorated with all sorts of fun seaside themed items and check out our place settings…

You are probably wondering what that little package is behind my plate there…here it is, all wrapped up…

Inside is a stamp personalized just for me! I {HEART} it…

So onto dinner…we had an appetizer of delicious fresh tomatoes and then what do you think we had for our main course???

Sea food of course!!!  We had it beautifully presented in a newspaper lined white metal dish containing crab legs, clams, shrimp, potatoes & corn…and wow was it delicious…

And yes, we did get the bibs to wear to go with it LOL…

And for dessert a delicious fruit cobbler served in a cast iron skillet with ice cream…and yes, it did taste as good as it looks…

And so off I trekked back to my room and found a fabulous pillow gift on my bed containing components to make our Founders Circle make & takes tomorrow…and in there were some papers and stamps from the upcoming Occasions Mini Catalog that debuts in January…hehehehe…we are so spoiled…

Now I am not able to show you a photo of the pillow gift but I am allowed to show you photographs of some of the projects that have been made using that new paper & stamps so come see when I post them tomorrow!

Wednesday evening at Founders Circle…

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