This evening was our Welcome Dinner…at this dinner you sit with your team members and get to chat with old friends and make new friends…

The tables are beautifully decorated…this was ours with it’s beautiful centerpiece…


And at each place setting was a gift for us sitting atop beautiful glass chargers…


A jar of locally made jam wrapped with BEAUTIFUL lace ribbon!

We had salad for starters and then to tie into the Western theme we had smoked brisket and some chicken and green beans with sweet potato…


Our dessert was blueberry cobbler with ice cream and was absolutely delicious – my favorite part of the dinner!  I would have taken a photo except that by the time I remembered I had already wolfed half of it down LOL!!!  And I love how they even give us cute & delicious drinks…check out this beauty…


Due to Shelli’s accident she of course could not be with us but Sara spoke and did a great job updating us on her Mom – thankfully she is recovering well…


And then we had a team photo…


After dinner we were handed our gifts for finding all members of our teams – we each received the Thankful Tablescape Simply Created Kit from the Holiday Catalog along with that Chalk Marker…LOVE it!


And here is a close up of that jar of jam – I honestly cannot wait to open it when I get home as it is my favorite flavor – Raspberry!!!


Waiting for us on our beds when we got back to our rooms were FABULOUS pillow gifts packaged in a burlap bag…isn’t the tag GORGEOUS?


I am not allowed to show you what is inside of the bag but all I can say is that I was so  EXCITED when I saw what was in there – this is one of my most favorite pillow gifts ever!!!

I’m off to bed now but will post more tomorrow…

Day 1 at Founders Circle 2013 – part 2…
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One thought on “Day 1 at Founders Circle 2013 – part 2…

  • September 19, 2013 at 9:10 am

    Have fun, Sarah! Can’t wait to see more pics.

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