Well again you might be wondering…where has Sarah been this last week…no blog posts?!  What is going on?!

Remember a couple of weeks ago I told you were are in the midst of prepping our house to sell it?  Remember I said that we were nearly done?  Apparently not so much LOL!!!

I haven’t disappeared off of the face of the earth…it’s just been hard to get into my craft room to get anything at all done – last Monday the painters arrived and the house has been in chaos ever since…the kitchen has been shrink-wrapped (quite literally!) for 6 days, things have been taped off, demolished, and the amount of dust on EVERYTHING is unbelievable!!!

They are removing wallpaper, texturing walls in bathrooms & the kitchen and painting almost everything that doesn’t move…coupled with the fact that the kids are home from school for 3 months and…well…all I keep telling myself is that it WILL all be worth it in the end!

So I thought I’d give you a photographic snipet of my world right now so you can see why I’ve been absent from blogging…plus I’ve also been prepping new catalog packets…BUT I will be posting a little project on Tuesday since I can now get back in my room and get busy – yay!!!

This is what the kitchen has been like for a week…let’s just say I’ve had enough of eating fast food right now!!!

One of the bathrooms…

And the other…

And finally…just to bring a smile…the day we were packing the bathrooms up…guess who thought he’d hide from us?!  I think he didn’t want to get painted!!!

Cute, eh?!

More on Tuesday…I promise I’ll be posting a cute summer party favor idea along with a tutorial…have a great sunny day!

Demolition, dust and upheaval…

4 thoughts on “Demolition, dust and upheaval…

  • June 14, 2011 at 7:56 pm

    Oh I do not envy you! No time or space for paper crafting? How are you holding up?

  • June 14, 2011 at 8:01 pm

    It’s very tough Celia!!! But hopefully nearly done….then just the gigantic clean up ahead!!!

  • June 16, 2011 at 8:22 am

    I can relate to dust & a mess. We remodeled our kitchen, bath & living room last year. It was one of those projects that just kept growing. I’m still cleaning dust. It will be worth it in the end. Loved your kitty picture and also your blog. :)

  • June 18, 2011 at 7:32 pm

    Been in similar scenario on and off for 25 years! NOT fun. you have my sympathy!

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