OK so I am running VERY late but slowly catching up!!!

This past couple of weeks has been a whirlwind of activity – the neighborhood next to ours was evacuated due to wildfires and we thought we might have to go too…thankfully not…but unfortunately lots of the surrounding area has been affected…

I also had a whole lot of work to do before I came to Founders Circle including making 130 swaps which takes a long time…and they have to be good ones too as Shelli swaps with us…how cool is that?

So today & tomorrow I have free time to catch you all up with what’s going on here at Fabulous Founders Circle…

Day One – arrival day – Part 1…

The night before I was busy packing…and look who wanted to come with me…

Isn’t he cute?  But I hear he’s being a bit naughty at home…chuckle…!!!

So this is the hotel we are staying in – check out those red cliffs behind – my room looks over them and it is just gorgeous…

Now you won’t believe how all out Stampin’ Up! goes for this event…check out the hotel front doors…they even decorate the glass with beautiful themed decor elements…

It is just amazing…and every year there is a theme…this year’s theme is a Tea Party and just check out the beautiful decor elements on the glass below…

Isnt that attention to detail just amazing?!

Sooo I checked in and after lunch made my way to my room – we all get the fabulous treat of a room each – and look what we all have on our doors…

A beautiful personalized name plate…isn’t is gorgeous?  I love those ribbons and how they tied them all together…

And the last thing that delighted me on arrival – and if you are from Texas you will understand this…it was RAINING!!!

And I just had to go outside and stand in it for a little bit…it’s been sooo long since I’ve seen any of the wet stuff!!!

So that’s all from the arrival bit of Day One – check back in a little while for Part 2 of day one…

Running Late…but here is First Day of Founders Circle!!!

One thought on “Running Late…but here is First Day of Founders Circle!!!

  • September 17, 2011 at 1:19 am

    Ohhhhhhhhh bring some of the rain home with you!!! I’ve been concerned about you with all the fires here. Glad y’all didn’t have to evac. Enjoy FC, you deserve it girl!! All the pics were great, but I’d just about forgotten what rain looks like!! : )

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