The evening’s events included the Pajama Party Business Share and the Swap…I was so looking forward to it as it is SO MUCH FUN swapping with around 120 people!!!

I actually only finished making my swaps 20 minutes before I had to go downstairs for the Business Share so that was cutting it much closer to the deadline than I like!

Here they are all packaged up and ready to go…I will show you how I made them in a later post…I made 120 total and was very happy how they turned out…

fc2014-eve-1First was the Business Share…opened by the FABULOUS Bonnie Thurber…


And Shelli spoke…it was so wonderful to see her here this year – a year ago she was in the hospital after the horse riding accident and was very missed…


And then several wonderful demonstrators shared experiences with us all…including the fab Dawn O…


AND we got give a fab bonus extra – a copy of the upcoming Holiday Supplement that goes live for order on October 20th – LOVE it – there are some amazing Project Life things in it – squeal!!!

And then it was onto the swap…SO much fun waiting and chatting for the first swappers to appear around the corner…we line the walls of the hotel!


After the swap we headed into the Gathering Place for milk & cookies…aren’t these milk bottles fun?  They make everything so cute!


And check out these delicious oversized cookies…YUM!!!


And finally up to bed…to find that the Stampin Fairies had left a pillow gift…The Christmas Train which was chosen by Shelli and inscribed by her too…


And what another pretty way to package a gift…another tea towel that has the beautiful Cherry Cobbler 1″ Sheer Linen Ribbon wrapped around it and another handmade tag…I am loving the wrapping as much as I am loving the gifts inside!

Here is a close up of that tag…like last night, it is made using Stars Framelits Dies, Under the Tree Specialty DSP, Gold Metal Buttons and a Clothespin – what a beautiful and unique tag!


And here is that fun tea towel…so unique!


And then I sat down and looked through the swaps…oh my…they are absolutely amazing!!! 


I will be showcasing some of them in the coming weeks so be sure to check back to see them – there are some works of art in there!!!

Tomorrow is the trip to Kanab…where the stamps are made…and this year we get to see how they make Photopolymer stamps and we get to appreciate the staff who work so hard to make them – I can hardly wait!

There will be LOTS of photos of the factory tour coming soon!


Founders Circle 2014 – Day Two – part 2…
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