Please excuse my absence…I was in Salt Lake City this past week at Stampin’ Up!’s annual Convention – and WOW what a fabulous time I had :-)

I met lots of wonderful ladies, made lots of new friendships and had a ball…and I also had one of the best nights of my life – I was honored to be awarded the No. 2 Rising Star in the US, received a beautiful Tiffany necklace along with a wonderful cash award of $4,500 and invited to attend Founders Circle which is a retreat hosted by Stampin’ Up!’s Founder and CEO Shelli Gardner which takes place in September where we will apparently be pampered – WOW!!! The photograph above is of the 2009 Rising Stars on Awards Night with Shelli – I am on the back row on the far left :-)

What is a Rising Star you ask? Well, Stampin’ Up! recognizes the top 15 Demonstrators after their first full Stampin’ Up! year, which runs July 1 through June 30 – this is the best time to sign up to work towards this goal since we are in August and only a month into the current Stampin’ Up! year – this means that if you sign up now, your Rising Star qualifying full year would be July 1 2010 through June 30th 2011…this gives you almost a full year before your qualifying year would commence which would enable you to start building your business – this makes the goal of being a Rising Star very achievable – you too can do it! And to get you off to a fabulous start, Stampin’ Up! has an $85 sign up promotion right now – it is a such a fun thing to do and you are your own boss which gives you a wonderful sense of security in the current economic climate…

Do you want to be amongst the next Rising Stars just like me? With work and commitment you too can achieve it and this is a fabulous time to sign up as right now you can sign up for ONLY $85 as part of Stampin’ Up!’s Summer Fun Promotion. You can find more details of this fabulous sign-up opportunity by clicking HERE – you can also read about the fabulous benefits of signing up here – in this economic climate, what a wonderful opportunity to be your own boss – you cannot get fired, you work your own hours if you choose to do so and if you can pay 1 monthly bill with your Stampin Up earnings, how much easier would that make life?

When you sign up during August, the first deadline you have to meet is December 31st when you have to make your $300 minimum in sales – your own purchases always count towards your minimums so this is very achievable especially with a brand new Holiday Mini catalog coming out on September 1st with lots of delicious new items in it – demonstrators are in the ‘preorder’ period for this catalog right now so if you sign up now you get to purchase the items in it straight away plus we get the option to purchase one of the stamp sets in it for just $5 (it will retail for $29.95 after September 1st) – things like this are great perks of being a demo!

Worse case, if you cannot sell $300 by December 31st, then NOTHING happens – there are no penalties – you keep everything and you can just revert to being a customer if you so choose – SU is a wonderful company :-)

If you have any questions please Contact Me and I will be VERY happy to help :-)

Back from Convention with fabulous news…

7 thoughts on “Back from Convention with fabulous news…

  • August 11, 2009 at 11:45 am

    Congratulations on your AWESOME accomplishment, Sarah! Enjoy Founders Circle!

  • August 11, 2009 at 11:55 am

    Congratulations!!! We are all so proud of you (and maybe a tad bit jealous, teehee)! What an acheivement! You go girl!!!!

  • August 12, 2009 at 7:19 am

    huge congrats and looking forward to meeting you at FC :)

  • August 12, 2009 at 8:07 pm

    congratulations on your rewards. How did your swaps go over. I am sure every on loved them

  • August 13, 2009 at 8:31 pm

    Hi Sarah,
    Congratulations!! Such a JOY to meet you at Convention! Can't wait to get to know you even better at Founder's Circle! Love your blog!!
    Your Friend –

  • August 14, 2009 at 2:24 pm

    Very WELL DESERVED!!! I'm so proud of you and even "prouder" that you are a part of my downline! CONGRATULATIONS! And may you have continued success in the all the years to come!

  • August 15, 2009 at 11:00 am

    Yeah, Sarah!! Congratulations!!

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